Big Big Big video game day

20 minutes until the release of Fable 3 in the US!!!! I will be at the Gamestop in the morning and will hopefully be able to tear myself away long enough to post my impressions by evening.

Secondarily, (ONLY because of Fable 3) RockBand 3 releases tomorrow, as well. I am SO EXCITED! KEYBOARDS!!! I have gotten the cortisone shots in my wrist - the tendinitis that I picked up as a result of my initial round of obsession with Rock Band has healed.

This is going to do wonders for my aimless wandering around the house in the evenings.

My MawMaw's Birthday

My Maw Maw asked me to make something from my Paw Paws neckties. (He passed away last year.) I'm really loving how this pillow turned out. We are taking it to her for her birthday!

Buhlinda Clark

Buhlinda Clark: "

Not my real name.

Mother, Wife, Reader, Writer, Learner, Tap Dancer (if watching
YouTube instructional videos and owning tap shoes counts), doodler,
crochet arteest, European Board Gamer (sounds snooty, right? Cause it
is!!), Video Gamer, Rock Band Master, reader of craft blogs and
collector of crafting stuff and non-completer of actual crafts,
self-improvement wanna-be and purveyor of too much snarkiness (if such a
thing exists and if “snarkiness” is actually a word).

IT chick (networks), Project Manager (Cisco VOIP – holla!), hiding my real identity, controlling my Google Presence.
