Saturday - I went to Fry's Electronics to return a defective mouse that I had purchased. I had a full on "moment" upon entering the store. Please refer to the numbers in yellow above to follow the sequence of events.
1) I walk into Fry's and approach the podium and the "Incoming Bag Inspection Engineer" standing at this podium. This person's job responsibilities are very serious. They, like the soldiers posted at the borders of Baghdad - inspect all incoming parcels and approve them for entry.
1b) (yeah - my numbering is backwards)The IBIE (incoming bag inspection engineer) is currently speaking with another employee of Fry's Electronics represented on the diagram as 1a. I stand patiently and awkwardly holding my parcel awaiting clearance for entry into the store. I am relieved to note that there are NO OTHER CUSTOMERS in the customer service area - this should be fast!! The IBIE does not acknowledge me, for I am but a fleck of poo on the ass of Fry's.
1a) Random employee (represented on the diagram above as 1a) yells at me and asks "DO YOU HAVE A RETURN?!" I nod my head indicating that I do, indeed, wish to return the item contained in my parcel. My parcel is clearly marked "Fry's".
1aa) Random employee 1a then says "Go stand ovah there!" and indicates to me a large, roped off area where there are no other people. I glance at my surroundings to confirm, yet again, that there are no other customers milling about in the Customer Service area. There are not. I submit the photo below for your review, of the roped off area -completely devoid of humanity.

I also observed that there are a number of seemingly unoccupied Customer Service personnel available to service customers. However, I follow her instructions and stand in the area indicated by the number 2 in the diagram. I feel, and I look - like a dumb-ass. Please see the photo below illustrating that point.
At this point - after lounging in the cattle call area for all of 2 seconds - I am beckoned by the Customer Service Expert indicated in the diagram by the number 3. Apparently, "doing time" in the cattle call area is a prerequisite to speaking with Mr. Customer Service even when the two are located mere feet apart.
Say it with me folks - AYFKM?!?!??!?