I cant believe what I just saw
on my way to the shopping mall
in the middle of suburban sprawl
I blinked my eyes and dropped my jaw
a giant cement cock
Ok so..
Giant might be overstating
those considering masturbating
should probably consider waiting
until im finished postulating
on the origins of said cock
So more..
down the street, less than a mile
to satisfy the plant-o-philes
is a nursery where plant-o-philes can while
away the days among the piles
of dirt and plants and daf-o-diles
and big cement cocks
another verse...
apparently they saw a need
for more than plants and flowering seed
a shopper of a different breed
would bring more cash if they succeed
statuary would fill the need
the kind with big cocks
wait for it..
in my little southern town
statues with cocks just arent around
an item upon which the genteel frown
doesnt just show up in a baptist town
the people SLEEP when the sun goes down
and they DONT buy statues with cocks.
wrapping it up I swear..
each time I find I'm at a stop
at the light in front of the cement cock
and I ponder on the lump of rock
that so offends the baptist flock
A thought invades, that I cant block
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How does this make you FEEL???? Leave me your FEEeeeellings....cause im totally interested in your FEEELLINGSS,....AYFKM?!?!?!