Occasionally, I let a few projects go unfinished. Specifically, projects that can't be completed in 24 hours. So I'm trying to make it a priority to finish off a few of those dangling efforts. This scarf is one of those things. I found the pattern for the cogs on a blog somewhere (I can't seem to dig it back up to link it up) and decided that I would crochet some of them and applique them to this scarf (5.00 scarf purchased at Clair's). This whole thing happened approximately a year ago. I made the cogs, I pinned them in place on the scarf. I started stitching them to the scarf. I folded the scarf. I put the scarf on a table. I needed the table space a week later. I moved the scarf to a yarn bin full of crochet hooks and projects and whatnot. I found a cooler pattern. I saw something shiny. Someone started talking to me. The phone rang. Whatever - a year later its still folded and has been moved over and over and still isn't completed. I hated the way the sewing looked after I tried to attach the cogs to the scarf and couldn't decide on a better method blah blah blah.
This weekend - I bit the bullet - got the scarf out, and hot-glued the cogs to the scarf. It worked, I'm happy - scarf finished.
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How does this make you FEEL???? Leave me your FEEeeeellings....cause im totally interested in your FEEELLINGSS,....AYFKM?!?!?!