Things I know Im supposed to "get" ....but I don't...

I dont know why I dont get this stuff, I just dont. 

Sometimes, when talking to the right person, at the right time,  and not feeling at that moment like defending my inadequate ability to appreciate one of things below, I will nod my head and express great appreciation for the "stuff" below. I may even spout some random trivia on the topic to illustrate my "interest". 

In the words of the wise Adam Sandler playing Billy Madison speaking the words of Shakespeare "NO MORE"

I dont get:

Anime - There, I said it. I dont get it. I know, I would get it if only I had seen the work of the great Hakamaja Norukamo (whatevah) .

The Beatles - Im not ashamed. Those songs dont make me feel anything. I've tried. The worst week American Idol ever had was the week all the songs were Beatles...ugh.

Elvis - Doesn't do it for me. I not only dont get the music, AT ALL, but I also dont get the mania. I dont get the purses and watches and collectible plates.  You know what I DO get? Miniature Graceland. Roanoke, VA - A lady built a miniature dollhouse sized Graceland Estate in her front yard. No shit. I saw it, and I totally got it.

Thomas Kinkaid - I have found, through very scientific research (multiple forced family gatherings where I systematically attempted meaningful, or at minimum, interesting, conversation with a number of relatives who are enthralled with Mr. Kinkaids "work") that I also seem to have an allergy towards those who DO get Thomas Kinkaid. I discovered this during these same conversations when, after speaking with the second or third Kinkaid fan in a row who had engaged me, I developed a very chapped ass.

Bono or Bruce Springsteen - ummm...dont get it. Not one single song. Not one. Evah.

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How does this make you FEEL???? Leave me your FEEeeeellings....cause im totally interested in your FEEELLINGSS,....AYFKM?!?!?!